All posts by admin

Les femmes en politique

Design of report and illustrations, CCRE-CEMR (Brussels, 2020)

CCRE–CEMR Local and Regional Europe  

We have designed a report that evaluates the progress of women’s political representation in Europe over the past decade. Additionally, Floor van der Doelen and Martijn Rook designed illustrations that provide humorous and metaphorical commentary, giving the report a strong and personal visual identity.

Ground for Peace – Land Restoration for International Peace and Security

Design of report and brochure for adelphi (Berlin) and UNCCD (Bonn), 2024


We designed a 72-page report and a summary brochure for adelphi and the UNCCD.

The report examines the connection between land, peace, and security within the UNCCD Peace Forest Initiative, highlighting the role of land and ecosystem restoration in promoting global peace.

The work on the report and brochure included the creation and design of a new layout and various information graphics, all aligned with the UNCCD brand guidelines. The report was presented at UNCCD COP 16 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Manuel d’initiation à la police de proximité

Design of report and illustrations for DCAF (Geneva) and L’École Nationale de Police (Mali), 2020

We have been asked to design a training manual for the National Police Academy in Mali. This manual is a practical resource aimed at improving police training in knowledge, skills, behavior, and critical thinking. We have created detailed illustrations that accurately depict real-life scenarios.

The ABC of Iodine – EuThyroid2

Corporate design and illustration design, 2024

The Thyroid Federation International

EUthyroid2 is an EU-funded project aimed at eliminating iodine deficiency in Europe and beyond.

For the Thyroid International Federation, which is the project coordinator, we have developed the complete visual identity and all communication media for the project.

The project is being implemented in three different settings for three different target groups: young scholars, adolescent women, and the healthcare environment.

For young scholars, we designed a textbook and exercise book on the topic of iodine. Our colleague, Martijn Rook, created illustrations that give a personal identity to the project, spark interest, and guide the scholars through the topic. For adolescent women, we created various fact sheets, and for the healthcare environment, we developed various content forms and guidelines.

As the project is conducted in Europe and beyond, we also created localized versions of all communication media, including Greek, Polish, Norwegian, Urdu, and Bangla. For each language version, we created unique illustrations that adapt to the culture.

Logo design for PCA’s 125th anniversary

Corporate design

Permanent Court of Arbitration  

The Permanent Court of Arbitration has requested our assistance in crafting a commemorative logo for their upcoming 125th anniversary.

We have developed a logo using a serif typeface (Corundum by Adobe Fonts), intentionally chosen to evoke tradition and underscore the PCA’s deep historical connections. However, to infuse a contemporary flair, we integrated large, bold numerals into the design.

The typeface employs old-style numerals, wherein certain numbers like ‘5’ extend below the baseline, imparting a bold and distinguished appearance, fitting for this occasion.


Permanent Court of Arbitration

The Hague, 2023

Permanent Court of Arbitration  

For the past 8 years, we have been collaborating with the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). Each year, we create an Annual Report and  brochures in English, Spanish, and French. The annual reports consist of approximately 100 pages and include both English and French sections.

Our work involves text layout,  photo layout, the design of information graphics and maps, preparation for both print and online use, and print supervision.

We print the reports at Zwart op Wit, a family-owned printing company based in Belgium. Zwart op Wit exclusively uses environmentally friendly papers and ink, making it one of the few CO2-neutral printing houses.

The Annual Report is printed on high-quality offset paper and is thread-bound.

Each year, we eagerly anticipate holding the printed report in our hands.


Brussels, Design of project identity, 2023

We have developed a corporate design for SYNCHROMODE, an EU-funded project with the goal of creating a data-driven ICT toolbox to enhance transport operations management.

Our work for SYNCHROMODE encompassed the entire corporate design package, which included the logo, key visual, communication materials, and a corporate design guide.

This impressive design was created by our colleague Daniel Schnatterer.

EDCTP – conference design

Tenth EDCTP forum in Mozambique, 2021

Concept and design of the Tenth EDCTP Forum in Mozambique. For the forum we created a logo, key-visual, brochure design, roll-up banner and corporate design manual.

The forum was taking place in the Joaquim Chissano International Conference Centre in Maputo and virtual. For the virtual event, we designed rooms that had the look and feel of Maputo and of the Conference Centre.

Insight Dialogue Community

Corporate Design, Seattle, 2020

Corporate design für die Insight Dialogue Community – eine globale Gemeinschaft deren Mission der Austausch von Praktiken ist, die ein beziehungsorientiertes Verständnis der Lehren des Buddha zum Wohle aller beinhalten. Die Bildmarke des Logos soll die drei Fundamente des Einsichtsdialogs darstellen: 1. Weisheit/Dhamma: Lotusblüte; 2. meditative Qualitäten des Geistes: Punkt = Flamme auf Buddhas Kopf als Symbol für Erleuchtung; 3. Beziehung: Geschlechtsneutrale Figuren als Lotusblätter, die einander gegenüberstehen und Kontakt herstellen. Die drei Punkte können separat als die drei Fundamente des Einsichtsdialogs oder die drei Juwelen von Buddha, Dhamma und Sangha interpretiert werden.

WFP – World Food Programme

Brussels, Outdoor advertisement campaign, December, 2019

End of 2019 the World Food Programme (WFP) initiated an outdoor advertisement campaign to showcase their partnership with the European Commission around the world. Assisting 86.7 million people in around 83 countries each year, the World Food Programme is the leading humanitarian organization saving lives and changing lives, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience.


Corporate Design, 2017

Kalyana Mitta Vihara  
Corporate design for the Kalyana Mitta Vihara, House of the Noble Friendship – Dhamma center for meditation and study courses, Insight Dialogue and other Buddhist offers. The logo refers to the Insight Dialogue – a dyad meditation practice: the image mark with the two buddhas in the lotus, symbol for spiritual awakening and peace, shall communicate common awakening.


CD packaging design, 2016

ant zen  
Anemone Tube’s third release of the “Suicide Series“ tetralogy is an immersive industrial music album and the most ambitious and complex work yet, a long-term project of no less than 6 years, pursuing a highly sophisticated approach full of cross-cultural and historical references. Painting a sonic landscape, “Golden Temple” is perfectly real and dreamlike at the same time, endorsing archaic, mythological and worldly ideals alike. Beauty and evil, the profane and chaos, apocalypse and hope – Anemone Tube keeps account and observes the antagonist forces of life. Gold offset on black paper, incl. 12-page booklet. Limited edition of 500 copies.

Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden

Corporate Design, SEF, Bonn, 2012

Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden  
For the SEF Development and Peace Foundation we created a wholistic Corporate Design including stationary and all communication media such as corporate flyer, Global Governance Spotlight Magazine, Foreign Voices Magazine, annual report, digital newsletter and an extensive website.

Annual Global Meeting

Conference Design, DFG / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Berlin, 2013

Corporate design for the 2nd Annual Global Meeting of the Global Research Council and conception and design of diverse communication media. In May 2013 Annual Global Meeting took place in Berlin bringing together the heads of about 70 science and research councils from around the world. Hosted by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and CNPq, Brazil.

EVPA | European Venture Philanthropy Association

Fact sheet, Brussels, 2014

Concept and design of an image brochure for EVPA / European Venture Philanthropy Association. The elegant portrait format and gatefold cover printed on soft-touch paper give the brochure a particular charm. To vividly illustrate and communicate EVPA’s activities, we created a series of pictograms.

IFA Gallery

Catalog design, Berlin, 2013

IFA Gallery  
Corporate Design for the exhibition “Phnom Penh: Rescue Archaeology” about contemporary art and architecture in Cambodia incl. 200-page catalogue, invitation flyers, advertisements, window display and sign system.

International Day of Democracy

Corporate Design, Inter-Parliamentary Union, 2012/14

Inter-Parliamentary Union  
Poster design for the International Day of Democracy 2012 and 2014. The United Nations’ International Day of Democracy is annually held on September 15th to raise public awareness about democracy. Various activities and events are held around the world to promote democracy on this date.

Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden

Corporate Design, SEF, Bonn, 2012

Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden  
For the SEF Development and Peace Foundation we created a wholistic Corporate Design including stationary and all communication media such as corporate flyer, Global Governance Spotlight Magazine, Foreign Voices Magazine, annual report, digital newsletter and an extensive website.

Innovation in Extension and Advisory Services

Conference Design, CTA, The Netherlands, 2011

Concept and design of the visual identity for the International Conference “Innovation in Extension and Advisory Services” in Nairobi, Kenya. The key visual is a Baobab tree, “the tree of knowledge”, bearing fruits representing food security, livelihood and communication.